Graduate, postdoctoral
Graduate, postdoctoral

Study finds ChatGPT boosts worker productivity for some writing tasks

A new report by MIT researchers highlights the potential of generative AI to help workers with certain writing assignments.

Envisioning the future of computing

MIT students share ideas, aspirations, and vision for how advances in computing stand to transform society in a competition hosted by the Social and Ethical Responsibilities of Computing.

Defining the public interest in new technologies

New online journal seeks to seeks to bring together the MIT community to discuss the social responsibilities of individuals who design, implement, and evaluate technologies.

Three Spanish MIT physics postdocs receive Botton Foundation fellowships

Recipients Luis Antonio Benítez, Carolina Cuesta-Lazaro, and Fernando Romero López receive support for their scientific research.

Bringing the social and ethical responsibilities of computing to the forefront

The inaugural SERC Symposium convened experts from multiple disciplines to explore the challenges and opportunities that arise with the broad applicability of computing in many aspects of society.

Driven to driverless

Cindy Alejandra Heredia’s journey from Laredo, Texas, took her to leading the MIT autonomous vehicle team and to an MBA from MIT Sloan.