<span class="vcard">Zach Winn | MIT News Office</span>
Zach Winn | MIT News Office

Study finds ChatGPT boosts worker productivity for some writing tasks

A new report by MIT researchers highlights the potential of generative AI to help workers with certain writing assignments.

Study finds ChatGPT boosts worker productivity for some writing tasks

A new report by MIT researchers highlights the potential of generative AI to help workers with certain writing assignments.

Gamifying medical data labeling to advance AI

MIT alumnus’ platform taps the wisdom of crowds to label medical data for AI companies.

If art is how we express our humanity, where does AI fit in?

MIT postdoc Ziv Epstein SM ’19, PhD ’23 discusses issues arising from the use of generative AI to make art and other media.

Making property assessments as simple as snapping a picture

The technology of MIT alumni-founded Hosta a.i. creates detailed property assessments from photos.

Robot armies duke it out in Battlecode’s epic on-screen battles

The long-running programming competition encourages skills and friendships that last a lifetime.

Helping companies deploy AI models more responsibly

MIT spinout Verta offers tools to help companies introduce, monitor, and manage machine-learning models safely and at scale.