
Melissa Choi named director of MIT Lincoln Laboratory

With decades of experience working across the laboratory’s R&D areas, Choi brings a focus on collaboration, technical excellence, and unity.

Julie Shah named head of the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics

An expert in robotics and AI, Shah succeeds Steven Barrett at AeroAstro.

A crossroads for computing at MIT

The MIT Schwarzman College of Computing building will form a new cluster of connectivity across a spectrum of disciplines in computing and artificial intelligence.

Second round of seed grants awarded to MIT scholars studying the impact and applications of generative AI

The 16 finalists — representing every school at MIT — will explore generative AI’s impact on privacy, art, drug discovery, aging, and more.

MIT in the media: 2023 in review

MIT community members made headlines with key research advances and their efforts to tackle pressing challenges.

Eric Evans to step down as director of MIT Lincoln Laboratory

During 18 years of leadership, Evans established new R&D mission areas, strengthened ties to the MIT community, and increased inclusion and education efforts.

MIT scholars awarded seed grants to probe the social implications of generative AI

The 27 finalists — representing every school at MIT — will explore the technology’s impact on democracy, education, sustainability, communications, and much more.

A. Michael West: Advancing human-robot interactions in health care

When he isn’t investigating human motor control, the graduate student gives back by volunteering with programs that helped him grow as a researcher.

Celebrating the impact of IDSS

A two-day conference at MIT reflected on the impact of the Institute for Data, Systems, and Society since its launch, as founding Director Munther Dahleh prepares to step down.