School of Architecture and Planning
School of Architecture and Planning

Putting AI into the hands of people with problems to solve

Alumni-founded Pienso has developed a user-friendly AI builder so domain experts can build solutions without writing any code.

Doctors have more difficulty diagnosing disease when looking at images of darker skin

Dermatologists and general practitioners are somewhat less accurate in diagnosing disease in darker skin, a new study finds. Used correctly, AI may be able to help.

Q&A: A blueprint for sustainable innovation

Atacama Biomaterials, co-founded by Paloma Gonzalez-Rojas SM ’15, PhD ’21, combines architecture, machine learning, and chemical engineering to create eco-friendly materials.

MIT in the media: 2023 in review

MIT community members made headlines with key research advances and their efforts to tackle pressing challenges.

MIT Generative AI Week fosters dialogue across disciplines

During the last week of November, MIT hosted symposia and events aimed at examining the implications and possibilities of generative AI.

Is AI in the eye of the beholder?

Study shows users can be primed to believe certain things about an AI chatbot’s motives, which influences their interactions with the chatbot.

Re-imagining the opera of the future

The iconic sci-fi opera “VALIS,” first composed by Professor Tod Machover in 1987, reboots at MIT for a new generation.

MIT scholars awarded seed grants to probe the social implications of generative AI

The 27 finalists — representing every school at MIT — will explore the technology’s impact on democracy, education, sustainability, communications, and much more.

Making life friendlier with personal robots

Sharifa Alghowinem, a research scientist at the Media Lab, explores personal robot technology that explains emotions in English and Arabic.