
Multi-AI collaboration helps reasoning and factual accuracy in large language models

Researchers use multiple AI models to collaborate, debate, and improve their reasoning abilities to advance the performance of LLMs while increasing accountability and factual accuracy.

How an archeological approach can help leverage biased data in AI to improve medicine

Although computer scientists may initially treat data bias and error as a nuisance, researchers argue it’s a hidden treasure trove for reflecting societal values.

AI pilot programs look to reduce energy use and emissions on MIT campus

A cross-departmental team is leading efforts to utilize machine learning for increased efficiency in heating and cooling MIT’s buildings.

Autonomous innovations in an uncertain world

Jonathan How and his team at the Aerospace Controls Laboratory develop planning algorithms that allow autonomous vehicles to navigate dynamic environments without colliding.

SMART launches research group to advance AI, automation, and the future of work

Mens, Manus and Machina (M3S) will design technology, training programs, and institutions for successful human-machine collaboration.

Artificial intelligence for augmentation and productivity

The MIT Schwarzman College of Computing awards seed grants to seven interdisciplinary projects exploring AI-augmented management.

How machine learning models can amplify inequities in medical diagnosis and treatment

MIT researchers investigate the causes of health-care disparities among underrepresented groups.

Using AI to protect against AI image manipulation

“PhotoGuard,” developed by MIT CSAIL researchers, prevents unauthorized image manipulation, safeguarding authenticity in the era of advanced generative models.

A faster way to teach a robot

A new technique helps a nontechnical user understand why a robot failed, and then fine-tune it with minimal effort to perform a task effectively.

AI helps household robots cut planning time in half

PIGINet leverages machine learning to streamline and enhance household robots’ task and motion planning, by assessing and filtering feasible solutions in complex environments.