<span class="vcard">Adam Zewe | MIT News</span>
Adam Zewe | MIT News

Explained: Generative AI

How do powerful generative AI systems like ChatGPT work, and what makes them different from other types of artificial intelligence?

New techniques efficiently accelerate sparse tensors for massive AI models

Complimentary approaches — “HighLight” and “Tailors and Swiftiles” — could boost the performance of demanding machine-learning tasks.

Accelerating AI tasks while preserving data security

The SecureLoop search tool efficiently identifies secure designs for hardware that can boost the performance of complex AI tasks, while requiring less energy.

New technique helps robots pack objects into a tight space

Researchers coaxed a family of generative AI models to work together to solve multistep robot manipulation problems.

A more effective experimental design for engineering a cell into a new state

By focusing on causal relationships in genome regulation, a new AI method could help scientists identify new immunotherapy techniques or regenerative therapies.

Is AI in the eye of the beholder?

Study shows users can be primed to believe certain things about an AI chatbot’s motives, which influences their interactions with the chatbot.

AI-driven tool makes it easy to personalize 3D-printable models

With Style2Fab, makers can rapidly customize models of 3D-printable objects, such as assistive devices, without hampering their functionality.

Helping computer vision and language models understand what they see

Researchers use synthetic data to improve a model’s ability to grasp conceptual information, which could enhance automatic captioning and question-answering systems.

AI model speeds up high-resolution computer vision

The system could improve image quality in video streaming or help autonomous vehicles identify road hazards in real-time.

AI helps robots manipulate objects with their whole bodies

With a new technique, a robot can reason efficiently about moving objects using more than just its fingertips.