
Modeling relationships to solve complex problems efficiently

Associate Professor Julian Shun develops high-performance algorithms and frameworks for large-scale graph processing.

A community collaboration for progress

Graduate student Nolen Scruggs works with a local tenant association to address housing inequality as part of the MIT Initiative on Combatting Systemic Racism.

From steel engineering to ovarian tumor research

Ashutosh Kumar, a materials science and engineering PhD student and MathWorks Fellow, applies his eclectic skills to studying the relationship between bacteria and cancer.

Creating bespoke programming languages for efficient visual AI systems

Associate Professor Jonathan Ragan-Kelley optimizes how computer graphics and images are processed for the hardware of today and tomorrow.

Exploring frontiers of mechanical engineering

MIT Department of Mechanical Engineering grad students are undertaking a broad range of innovative research projects.

Dealing with the limitations of our noisy world

Tamara Broderick uses statistical approaches to understand and quantify the uncertainty that can affect study results.

A computer scientist pushes the boundaries of geometry

Justin Solomon applies modern geometric techniques to solve problems in computer vision, machine learning, statistics, and beyond.

Generating opportunities with generative AI

Rama Ramakrishnan helps companies explore the promises and perils of large language models and other transformative AI technologies.

A. Michael West: Advancing human-robot interactions in health care

When he isn’t investigating human motor control, the graduate student gives back by volunteering with programs that helped him grow as a researcher.

Making life friendlier with personal robots

Sharifa Alghowinem, a research scientist at the Media Lab, explores personal robot technology that explains emotions in English and Arabic.