National Science Foundation (NSF)
National Science Foundation (NSF)

Machine-learning system based on light could yield more powerful, efficient large language models

MIT system demonstrates greater than 100-fold improvement in energy efficiency and a 25-fold improvement in compute density compared with current systems.

Using AI to protect against AI image manipulation

“PhotoGuard,” developed by MIT CSAIL researchers, prevents unauthorized image manipulation, safeguarding authenticity in the era of advanced generative models.

A faster way to teach a robot

A new technique helps a nontechnical user understand why a robot failed, and then fine-tune it with minimal effort to perform a task effectively.

Researchers teach an AI to write better chart captions

A new dataset can help scientists develop automatic systems that generate richer, more descriptive captions for online charts.

New model offers a way to speed up drug discovery

By applying a language model to protein-drug interactions, researchers can quickly screen large libraries of potential drug compounds.

A better way to study ocean currents

A new machine-learning model makes more accurate predictions about ocean currents, which could help with tracking plastic pollution and oil spills, and aid in search and rescue.

Using reflections to see the world from new points of view

A new computer vision system turns any shiny object into a camera of sorts, enabling an observer to see around corners or beyond obstructions.

Training machines to learn more like humans do

Researchers identify a property that helps computer vision models learn to represent the visual world in a more stable, predictable way.

A four-legged robotic system for playing soccer on various terrains

“DribbleBot” can maneuver a soccer ball on landscapes such as sand, gravel, mud, and snow, using reinforcement learning to adapt to varying ball dynamics.