Mechanical engineering
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Advancing technology for aquaculture

MIT Sea Grant students apply machine learning to support local aquaculture hatcheries.

Extracting hydrogen from rocks

Iwnetim Abate aims to stimulate natural hydrogen production underground, potentially unearthing a new path to a cheap, carbon-free energy source.

MIT-derived algorithm helps forecast the frequency of extreme weather

The new approach “nudges” existing climate simulations closer to future reality.

New model identifies drugs that shouldn’t be taken together

Using a machine-learning algorithm, researchers can predict interactions that could interfere with a drug’s effectiveness.

Six MIT students selected as spring 2024 MIT-Pillar AI Collective Fellows

The graduate students will aim to commercialize innovations in AI, machine learning, and data science.

Closing the design-to-manufacturing gap for optical devices

A new method enables optical devices that more closely match their design specifications, boosting accuracy and efficiency.

2023-24 Takeda Fellows: Advancing research at the intersection of AI and health

Thirteen new graduate student fellows will pursue exciting new paths of knowledge and discovery.

To excel at engineering design, generative AI must learn to innovate, study finds

AI models that prioritize similarity falter when asked to design something completely new.

A more effective experimental design for engineering a cell into a new state

By focusing on causal relationships in genome regulation, a new AI method could help scientists identify new immunotherapy techniques or regenerative therapies.

Meet the 2023-24 Accenture Fellows

The MIT and Accenture Convergence Initiative for Industry and Technology announces the 2023-24 graduate fellows.