Genetic engineering
Genetic engineering

An ancient RNA-guided system could simplify delivery of gene editing therapies

The programmable proteins are compact, modular, and can be directed to modify DNA in human cells.

A causal theory for studying the cause-and-effect relationships of genes

By sidestepping the need for costly interventions, a new method could potentially reveal gene regulatory programs, paving the way for targeted treatments.

Search algorithm reveals nearly 200 new kinds of CRISPR systems

By analyzing bacterial data, researchers have discovered thousands of rare new CRISPR systems that have a range of functions and could enable gene editing, diagnostics, and more.

Inaugural J-WAFS Grand Challenge aims to develop enhanced crop variants and move them from lab to land

Matt Shoulders will lead an interdisciplinary team to improve RuBisCO — the photosynthesis enzyme thought to be the holy grail for improving agricultural yield.