At the core of problem-solving

Stuart Levine ’97, director of MIT’s BioMicro Center, keeps departmental researchers at the forefront of systems biology.

An ancient RNA-guided system could simplify delivery of gene editing therapies

The programmable proteins are compact, modular, and can be directed to modify DNA in human cells.

AI system predicts protein fragments that can bind to or inhibit a target

FragFold, developed by MIT Biology researchers, is a computational method with potential for impact on biological research and therapeutic applications.

With generative AI, MIT chemists quickly calculate 3D genomic structures

A new approach, which takes minutes rather than days, predicts how a specific DNA sequence will arrange itself in the cell nucleus.

Fifteen Lincoln Laboratory technologies receive 2024 R&D 100 Awards

The innovations map the ocean floor and the brain, prevent heat stroke and cognitive injury, expand AI processing and quantum system capabilities, and introduce new fabrication approaches.

A new computational technique could make it easier to engineer useful proteins

MIT researchers plan to search for proteins that could be used to measure electrical activity in the brain.

Search algorithm reveals nearly 200 new kinds of CRISPR systems

By analyzing bacterial data, researchers have discovered thousands of rare new CRISPR systems that have a range of functions and could enable gene editing, diagnostics, and more.

Generative AI imagines new protein structures

MIT researchers develop “FrameDiff,” a computational tool that uses generative AI to craft new protein structures, with the aim of accelerating drug development and improving gene therapy.