
New algorithm unlocks high-resolution insights for computer vision

FeatUp, developed by MIT CSAIL researchers, boosts the resolution of any deep network or visual foundation for computer vision systems.

Using AI to optimize for rapid neural imaging

MIT CSAIL researchers combine AI and electron microscopy to expedite detailed brain network mapping, aiming to enhance connectomics research and clinical pathology.

2023-24 Takeda Fellows: Advancing research at the intersection of AI and health

Thirteen new graduate student fellows will pursue exciting new paths of knowledge and discovery.

Four Lincoln Laboratory technologies win five 2023 R&D 100 awards

Inventions in medical imaging, aircrew scheduling, data security, and quantum networking are named among the year’s most innovative new products.

MIT researchers combine deep learning and physics to fix motion-corrupted MRI scans

The challenge involves than just a blurry JPEG. Fixing motion artifacts in medical imaging requires a more sophisticated approach.

A new dataset of Arctic images will spur artificial intelligence research

The dataset, being collected as part of a US Coast Guard science mission, will be released open source to help advance naval mission planning and climate change studies.

Researchers use AI to identify similar materials in images

This machine-learning method could assist with robotic scene understanding, image editing, or online recommendation systems.

Using reflections to see the world from new points of view

A new computer vision system turns any shiny object into a camera of sorts, enabling an observer to see around corners or beyond obstructions.