
Using AI to protect against AI image manipulation

“PhotoGuard,” developed by MIT CSAIL researchers, prevents unauthorized image manipulation, safeguarding authenticity in the era of advanced generative models.

A new dataset of Arctic images will spur artificial intelligence research

The dataset, being collected as part of a US Coast Guard science mission, will be released open source to help advance naval mission planning and climate change studies.

When computer vision works more like a brain, it sees more like people do

Training artificial neural networks with data from real brains can make computer vision more robust.

Computer vision system marries image recognition and generation

MAGE merges the two key tasks of image generation and recognition, typically trained separately, into a single system.

Researchers use AI to identify similar materials in images

This machine-learning method could assist with robotic scene understanding, image editing, or online recommendation systems.

Using reflections to see the world from new points of view

A new computer vision system turns any shiny object into a camera of sorts, enabling an observer to see around corners or beyond obstructions.

Training machines to learn more like humans do

Researchers identify a property that helps computer vision models learn to represent the visual world in a more stable, predictable way.

Deep-learning system explores materials’ interiors from the outside

A new method could provide detailed information about internal structures, voids, and cracks, based solely on data about exterior conditions.

Making property assessments as simple as snapping a picture

The technology of MIT alumni-founded Hosta a.i. creates detailed property assessments from photos.

Here Are 10 Things You Should Know About Deep Learning

Most IT leaders have heard of deep learning, but few really understand how this new technology works. Deep learning burst onto the public consciousness in 2016 when Google’s AlphaGo software, which was based on deep learning, beat the human world champion at the board game Go. Since then, deep learning has begun appearing in news reports […]