Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence as a Force for Good – Stanford Social Innovation Review

Stanford Social Innovation ReviewArtificial Intelligence as a Force for GoodStanford Social Innovation ReviewThis is just one example of “mission-driven artificial intelligence”—the responsible application of artificial intelligence (AI) to solve socie…

The Artificial Intelligence Ethics Committee – Forbes


The Artificial Intelligence Ethics Committee
Nick Loui had never been asked about neural networks from a man wearing a violet leotard before. But the CEO and founder of CivicFeed didn’t bat an eyelid as he thoughtfully answered the question. Given the context — a panel at Lightning In A Bottle

Artificial Intelligence May Be Able To Smell Illnesses in Human Breath – Smithsonian

SmithsonianArtificial Intelligence May Be Able To Smell Illnesses in Human BreathSmithsonianArtificial intelligence (AI) is best known for its ability to see (as in driverless cars) and listen (as in Alexa and other home assistants). From now on, it ma…

Artificial Intelligence: What Side Of History Do You Want To Be On? – Forbes


Artificial Intelligence: What Side Of History Do You Want To Be On?
CogX is a two-day AI extravaganza that brings together the biggest, best and brightest minds in Europe to really talk about the future of AI, blockchain and the future. Hold this conference in China or the US and you’d have a completely different

Artificial Intelligence: A Question Of Principles? – Forbes


Artificial Intelligence: A Question Of Principles?
Google’s declaration of principles for AI is a short but carefully worded text covering the main issues related to the uses of its technology. I would recommend reading the document, given that it raises many about the future and the rules we will need
Google bars uses of its artificial intelligence tech in weaponsReuters
Google bans development of artificial intelligence used in weaponryWashington Post
Google Says It Won’t Allow Its Artificial Intelligence in Military WeaponsWall Street Journal
New York Times – –Google Blog
all 242 news articles »

Towing and AI Self-Driving Cars

By Lance Eliot,the AI Trends Insider Towing something behind your car is not as easy as it might seem. When I was in my teens, a good friend had a boat that we used to take with us when his family went on camping outings to the local lake.  His father would take charge of […]

Here are 3 Tips to Reduce Bias in AI-Powered Chatbots

AI-powered chatbots that use natural language processing are on the rise across all industries. A practical application is providing dynamic customer support that allows users to ask questions and receive highly relevant responses. In health care, for example, one customer may ask “What’s my copay for an annual check-up?” and another may ask “How much does seeing […]

Custom DHS Facial Recognition AI to be Deployed at US/Mexico Border

The Department of Homeland Security will forge ahead with plans to implement its problematic Vehicle Face System (VFS), an AI-powered facial recognition system, at the US/Mexico border. After years of development, the Federal government will install the VFS system in Texas at the Anzalduas border crossing. Every person driving across the border will, at that […]

Alibaba Furthers Use of AI to Power the Future of Business

Alibaba Group is powering ahead with a range of AI research and initiatives in a bid to realise its vision: To make it easy to do business everywhere and anywhere. That’s according to an Alibaba Group chief scientist and associate dean of machine intelligence and technology, Xiaofeng Ren, who spoke at CeBIT about how to […]