School of Architecture and Planning
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Ensuring a durable transition

Progress on the energy transition depends on collective action benefiting all stakeholders, agreed participants in MITEI’s annual research conference.

Artist and designer Es Devlin awarded Eugene McDermott Award in the Arts at MIT

Exploring biodiversity, linguistic diversity, and collective AI-generated poetry, her work will be honored with a $100K prize, artist residency, and public lecture at MIT in spring 2025.

AI simulation gives people a glimpse of their potential future self

By enabling users to chat with an older version of themselves, Future You is aimed at reducing anxiety and guiding young people to make better choices.

Study: Transparency is often lacking in datasets used to train large language models

Researchers developed an easy-to-use tool that enables an AI practitioner to find data that suits the purpose of their model, which could improve accuracy and reduce bias.

First AI + Education Summit is an international push for “AI fluency”

The three-day, hands-on conference hosted by the MIT RAISE Initiative welcomed youths and adults from nearly 30 countries.

3 Questions: How to prove humanity online

AI agents could soon become indistinguishable from humans online. Could “personhood credentials” protect people against digital imposters?

Researchers leverage shadows to model 3D scenes, including objects blocked from view

This technique could lead to safer autonomous vehicles, more efficient AR/VR headsets, or faster warehouse robots.

Mouth-based touchpad enables people living with paralysis to interact with computers

The startup Augmental allows users to operate phones and other devices using their tongue, mouth, and head gestures.

A community collaboration for progress

Graduate student Nolen Scruggs works with a local tenant association to address housing inequality as part of the MIT Initiative on Combatting Systemic Racism.

2024 MAD Design Fellows announced

The 10 Design Fellows are MIT graduate students working at the intersection of design and multiple disciplines across the Institute.