data value
data value

To Share or Not to Share: That is the Big Data Question

Between the disclosures this year about Facebook’s lax data sharing policies and the European Union’s GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), a lot of people are talking about data privacy and consumer rights. How much data should you share as a consumer with companies like Facebook or Google? But what about businesses? Enterprise organizations may be […]

Thought Leadership: Nathaniel Gates, CEO, Alegion

Companies With Large AI Projects are Calling Alegion to Help Prepare Needed Data via Crowdsourcing Nathaniel Gates is CEO of Alegion, which he co-founded in 2012. Prior  to Alegion, he founded Cloud49, a cloud computing solutions provider focused on the public sector. He lived and worked in Alaska for 36 years before moving to Austin, Texas […]

5 Tips to Turn Your Data to Your Competitive Advantage

The need for competitive advantage sees companies increasingly turning to analytics to operationalize their data. Leveraging analytics from insight to artificial intelligence (AI), business leaders can make sense of their rapidly-growing piles of data to improve their operations. Here are my tips for using analytics to create a measurable business impact. #1: Put the decision […]

Your Company’s Data Has Value; Here is How to Find It

Companies are amassing tremendous volumes of data, which they consider their greatest asset, or at least one of their greatest assets. Yet, few business leaders can articulate what their company’s data is worth. Successful data-driven digital natives understand the value of their data and their valuations depend on sound applications of that data. Increasingly venture […]