Jay van Zyl @ ecosystem.Ai

Jay van Zyl @ ecosystem.Ai

Artificial intelligence is coming for hiring, and it might not be that bad – Chicago Tribune

Chicago Tribune

Artificial intelligence is coming for hiring, and it might not be that bad
Chicago Tribune
Artificial intelligence promises to make hiring an unbiased utopia. There’s certainly plenty of room for improvement. Employee referrals, a process that tends to leave underrepresented groups out, still make up a bulk of companies’ hires. Recruiters

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Two firms form artificial intelligence joint venture in Florence – Yellowhammer News

Two firms form artificial intelligence joint venture in FlorenceYellowhammer NewsNevada-based Sierra Artificial Neural Networks announced plans today to locate its headquarters in Florence and form a joint development partnership with IPWatch Systems C…

Artificial intelligence: how much is hype and how much is reality? – Networks Asia

Networks AsiaArtificial intelligence: how much is hype and how much is reality?Networks AsiaArtificial intelligence is the buzzword for 2018 and it is being used everywhere and often to describe fairly mundane automation and analytics-driven processes….

AI for cybersecurity is a hot new thing—and a dangerous gamble – MIT Technology Review

MIT Technology Review

AI for cybersecurity is a hot new thing—and a dangerous gamble
MIT Technology Review
When I walked around the exhibition floor at this week’s massive Black Hat cybersecurity conference in Las Vegas, I was struck by the number of companies boasting about how they are using machine learning and artificial intelligence to help make the

Expert Paul Zikopoulos tells chamber crowd Big Data is the path to big business – Tallahassee.com


Expert Paul Zikopoulos tells chamber crowd Big Data is the path to big business
It’s the rest of your life,” he said. “There’s no process that can’t be augmented through the use of AI (artificial intelligence). There’s none.” He also said this new approach to deep learning and artificial technology isn’t about putting companies

Artificial intelligence has a racial bias problem. Google is funding … – Phys.Org

Artificial intelligence has a racial bias problem. Google is funding …Phys.OrgThrough connections made at summer camp, high school students Aarzu Gupta and Lili Sun used artificial intelligence to create a drone program that aims to …and more&…

Could Machine Learning Mean the End of Understanding in Science? – Singularity Hub

Singularity Hub

Could Machine Learning Mean the End of Understanding in Science?
Singularity Hub
They used machine learning to accurately predict the outcome of a chaotic system over a much longer duration than had been thought possible. And the machine did that just by observing the system’s dynamics, without any knowledge of the underlying …

Family Road Trip and AI Self-Driving Cars

By Lance Eliot, the AI Trends Insider Have you ever taken a road trip across the United States with your family? It’s considered a core part of Americana to make such a trip. Somewhat immortalized by the now classic movie National Lampoon’s Vacation, the film showcased the doting scatter brained father Clark Griswold with his […]