
Machine Learning – Changing Payments Security Landscape

Payments Security Landscape – The risk of info security on data, application logic, and financial value losses are continually growing fast. For this reason, Artificial Intelligence and machine learning-based infosec tools for banking and mobile payments are getting huge attention. Starting from risk underwriting to credit rating & scoring […]


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Quick catchup on Libra, Facebook’s crypto, since its big announcement

Libra –  A blockchain technology-based digital currency under formal concent, staged by the American social media company Facebook. This is yet to come into life and yet at a very basic level. Some experimental code has been released though. The launch is planned to be in 2020.   June 18, 2019 […]


The post Quick catchup on Libra, Facebook’s crypto, since its big announcement appeared first on Vinod Sharma’s Blog.

Machine Learning an underlying technology for PaymentIntelligence

PaymentIntelligence – The payments we make today do not get analysed at backend though our money has gone far from being a tangible item to just mere electronic bits and bytes. Our world, lifestyle, spending habits and almost all activities we do in a day are increasingly becoming simple yet […]


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Fintech: Sector Can Benefit From Up To $512 Billion via Intelligent Automation

A new report from Capgemini’s Digital Transformation Institute reveals that, by 2020, the financial services industry could reap up to $512 billion in new global revenues through intelligent automation. The report, Growth in the Machine, demonstrates the advantages of applying the right combination of robotic process automation (RPA), artificial intelligence (AI), and business process optimisation in the sector […]

How Cognitive Ergonomics of AI Exciting FinTech

AI is Transforming the Digital Economy through FinTech. How its doing that we will answer below by taking help through “Cognitive Ergonomics”. May assuming AI more human then it is.

The post How Cognitive Ergonomics of AI Exciting FinTech appeared first on Vinod Sharma’s Blog.


DATA – Blue Ocean Shift Strategy (Boss)

BOSS – Blue Ocean Shift Strategy can actually help and create vision to focus on areas such as AI, blockchain for education, health & agriculture, create ecosystems using BigData analytics and IoT. To capture a quick snapshot of this strategy, cer…

2018 Year of Intelligence – Artificial & Augmentation

Year 2018 will be known as year of Artificial Intelligence and Intelligence Augmentation for sure.We used to think artificial intelligence was a silly sci-fi concept but when you really look into it, it seems like its been slowly encroaching into most …

Demystifying AI, Machine Learning and Deep Learning

This was the first serious proposal in the philosophy of artificial intelligence, which can be explained as: a science developing technology to mimic humans to respond in a circumstance. In simple words AI involves machines that behave and think like h…

World Wide Data Wrestling

Big data presents a tremendous opportunity for enterprises across multiple industries especially in the tsunami like data flow industry of “Payments”. FinTech, InsureTech, MedTech are major data generating industries i.e massive group of factories. Acc…

FinTech – Machine Learning and Recommenders

These terms are used to from BI Intelligence, To illustrate the various applications of AI in eCommerce and use case studies to show how this technology has benefited merchants/ecommerce service providers. Different consumers have varying, and often ve…