Deep Learning
Deep Learning

Here Are 10 Things You Should Know About Deep Learning

Most IT leaders have heard of deep learning, but few really understand how this new technology works. Deep learning burst onto the public consciousness in 2016 when Google’s AlphaGo software, which was based on deep learning, beat the human world champion at the board game Go. Since then, deep learning has begun appearing in news reports […]

Deep Learning: It’s Time for AI to Get Philosophical

By Catherine Stinson, postdoctoral scholar at the Rotman Institute of Philosophy, University of Western Ontario, and former machine-learning researcher I wrote my first lines of code in 1992, in a high school computer science class. When the words “Hello world” appeared in acid green on the tiny screen of a boxy Macintosh computer, I was […]

Chip Startups See New Frontier from Big Bets on AI

For years, tech industry financiers showed little interest in start-up companies that made computer chips. How on earth could a start-up compete with a goliath like Intel, which made the chips that ran more than 80 percent of the world’s personal computers? Even in the areas where Intel didn’t dominate, like smartphones and gaming devices, there […]

Deep Learning is Seen as a Help to Cardiologists – Not a Job Threat

Applying a deep learning approach to echocardiography could save clinicians time while improving diagnostic accuracy, one Georgia-based cardiologist reported at the American College of Cardiology’s annual meeting in Orlando, this year. Randolph P. Martin, MD, said machine learning—and its self-training subset, deep learning—is often perceived as a threat to cardiologists, but the tools could aid […]

The Exciting Evolution of Machine Learning

Machine learning is the process of a machine attempting to accomplish a task, independent of human intervention, more efficiently and more effectively with every passing attempt i.e learning phase. At this point, AI- a machine which mimics the human mind, is still a pipe dream. In the middle we have the meat of the pipeline, the model, which is the machine learning algorithm that learns to predict given input data.

The post The Exciting Evolution of Machine Learning appeared first on Vinod Sharma’s Blog.


Scientists Develop AI System That Can See What You Are Thinking

A group of Japanese computer scientists has developed a new AI system that can visualize human thoughts. The technology can “see” the human thought or convert them into pictures. It’s always frightening to know that another person can read your thoughts. Imagine the case where technology can see what you are thinking! How It Works – […]

Artificial Intelligence (AI) In Beauty Industry

What makes a person beautiful? For centuries, scholars debated what comprises of beauty and how to measure beauty in a standardized, reproducible way. Some argue that beauty is not real, that it’s a myth, that the perception of beauty is learned, not d…

DATA – Blue Ocean Shift Strategy (Boss)

BOSS – Blue Ocean Shift Strategy can actually help and create vision to focus on areas such as AI, blockchain for education, health & agriculture, create ecosystems using BigData analytics and IoT. To capture a quick snapshot of this strategy, cer…

AI Beats Humans in Reading Comprehension for First Time

Artificial intelligence programs built by Alibaba and Microsoft have beaten humans on a Stanford University reading comprehension test. “This is the first time that a machine has outperformed humans on such a test,” Alibaba said in a statement Monday. The test was devised by artificial intelligence experts at Stanford to measure computers’ growing reading abilities. Alibaba’s software was the […]

Artificial Intelligence Investing Heading For Prime Time

Artificial intelligence is a branch of computer science that aims to create intelligent machines that teach themselves. Much of AI’s growth has occurred in the last decade. The upcoming decade, according to billionaire investor Mark Cuban, will be the greatest technological revolution in man’s history. More progress has been achieved on artificial the past […]