data strategy
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Fluid Data Strategy Needed to Keep Tech Mapped to Business Plan

By Mahesh Lalwani, Vice President, Head of Data & Cognitive Analytics at Mphasis In today’s world, it should no longer be acceptable to have merely adaptive data. To win customers and market share, an organization must do far more and predict which strategy will unlock the potential its data has to offer. A company must envision […]

Successful AI Companies Build Insurmountable Leads Using Data Strategy

The most recent issue of MIT Technology Review shows their annual list of 35 Innovators Under 35.  Of these, 15 are AI-based – 43%.  Another 3 are in Computational Synthetic Biology that depends on deep learning. Similarly the website which tracks the formation and investment in startups shows about 6,800 companies specifically relating to AI.  That’s probably understated.  […]