data bias
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Promise and Perils of Using AI for Hiring: Guard Against Data Bias 

By AI Trends Staff   While AI in hiring is now widely used for writing job descriptions, screening candidates, and automating interviews, it poses a risk of wide discrimination if not implemented carefully.  That was the message from Keith Sonderling, Commissioner with the US Equal Opportunity Commision, speaking at the AI World Government event held live and virtually in […]

Entrepreneurs Taking on Bias in Artificial Intelligence

Whether it’s a navigation app such as Waze, a music recommendation service such as Pandora or a digital assistant such as Siri, odds are you’ve used artificial intelligence in your everyday life. “Today 85 percent of Americans use AI every day,” says Tess Posner, CEO of AI4ALL. AI has also been touted as the new must-have […]

UK Report Urges Action to Combat AI Bias, Ensure Diversity in Data Sets

The need for diverse development teams and truly representational data-sets to avoid biases being baked into AI algorithms is one of the core recommendations in a lengthy Lords committee report looking into the economic, ethical and social implications of artificial intelligence, and published today by the upper House of the UK parliament. “The main ways to address […]

5 Trends That Will Dominate 2018 as AI Scales Up

2017 saw an explosion of machine learning in production use, with even deep learning and artificial intelligence (AI) being leveraged for practical applications. “Basic analytics are out; machine learning (and beyond) are in,” says Kenneth Sanford, U.S. lead analytics architect for collaborative data science platform Dataiku, as he looks back on 2017. Sanford says practical […]