
Decentralized Finance (DeFi): The New Financial Ecosystem

Decentralized Finance (DeFi) transforms financial services by leveraging blockchain technology to eliminate intermediaries. It enables peer-to-peer transactions, providing accessibility, transparency, and efficiency. DeFi encompasses various services, …

Quick catchup on Libra, Facebook’s crypto, since its big announcement

Libra –  A blockchain technology-based digital currency under formal concent, staged by the American social media company Facebook. This is yet to come into life and yet at a very basic level. Some experimental code has been released though. The launch is planned to be in 2020.   June 18, 2019 […]


The post Quick catchup on Libra, Facebook’s crypto, since its big announcement appeared first on Vinod Sharma’s Blog.

High Quality Data Key to Eliminating Bias in AI

Biases are an incurable symptom of the human decision-making process. We make assumptions, judgements and decisions on imperfect information as our brains are wired to take the path of least resistance and draw quick conclusions which affect us socially as well as financially. The inherent human “negative bias” is a byproduct of our evolution. For […]

Blockchain, Machine Learning Projects Take the Lead at Dun & Bradstreet

You wouldn’t normally think of a 177-year-old company as one that would be on top of digital transformation and emerging data analytics trends. But Dun & Bradstreet has always been a data business, way back in 1841 as the Mercantile Agency, a credit information bureau. Today the new technologies are a little different than they were in the […]

Supply Chain is ‘Killer’ Blockchain Use Case, says IDC

After more than enough hype, blockchain use cases are lately becoming more numerous and real. In fact, improving supply chain processes will be the “killer” among blockchain uses cases, according to Bill Fearnley, IDC research director of worldwide blockchain strategies, who spoke at the IDC Directions 2018 conference held recently in Boston. “I get asked often […]

Executive Interview: Driving AI Innovation: New Services, Investment and Societal Good are Goals of XPRIZE Competition

“The question that everyone needs to ask themselves is, while we are building new innovative approaches with AI, how could we also think about bringing value to society?” – Amir Banifatemi Amir Banifatemi is the Prize Lead of the IBM Watson AI XPRIZE. Amir has more than 25 years of experience in development and growth […]

How Blockchain Technology and Cognitive Computing Work Together

When it comes to revolutionary technology, the blockchain and cognitive computing are two at the top of the list in 2018. With these technologies finally being put to use in practical applications, we’re learning more and more about what they can do on their own—and together. Let’s take a look at how some industries can […]

Blockchain – The Strong Backbone for Businesses

What is Blockchain Technology? How one blockchain can have Infinite possibilities & opportunities in hand in this red ocean market world. Total Reading Time – 7-8 Minutes Some background Blockchain as on date is mystery story for many (Including my self). We have heard lot that it yields […]

The post Blockchain – The Strong Backbone for Businesses appeared first on Vinod Sharma’s Blog.
