
In order to Regulate Artificial Intelligence, Shouldn’t we Agree on Intelligence?

There is not a standard definition of what an intelligence is. Premature regulation on "aritificial" intelligence highly pins on what can legally be defined as intelligence enough not to be artificial, and what is the deeper question. What is…

Suggestions on local or web GPT-4 API clients with access to embeddings?

Hello folks: A majority of the local clients I've tried from compiled binaries or via GitHub repos are buggy. Thus, I'm on the hunt for a local or web client that I can access ChatGPT via my API keys but also link to Pinecone or other embedding…

Chatbot to train with business database and then query it to show charts. What are your suggestions?

Hi, So, I have this case study I wanted to create. My idea is grabbing on my full database and then feed it to something that could be private (so preferably not OpenAI related). Then, I want to place a written message, requesting whatever I wanted and…

Recommendations for best AI for extracting relevant information from large document sets

Hello all, I don't 'do' AI, so this might be kind of a basic question and I apologize in advance. I am looking for a good software/model that I can train on a very large data set of technical text documents and ask questions to and get bac…

ChatGPT4all to create chatbot to answer questions on your own docs without external calls.

So, I came across this tut, (Apologies, if you cannot access it, it is a member's only story) and I gave it a shot. Technically, it "works&…