Every month I pay for a different LLM. What should I try next?
Every month I pay for a different LLM. What should I try next?

Every month I pay for a different LLM. What should I try next?

I started with GPT 4, then moved on to Gemini Advanced, Now I'm on Claude 2. GPT was great but I didn't really try anything too advanced. With Gemini and Claude, I have been using them to help explain concepts, analyze data, and generate proposals for studies for my statistics class. They have both been excellent! Claude 2 is especially good at looking at outputs from statistics software and correctly interpreting the data. I have to say, Pi , which is free, has been truly amazing to use when I am trying to better understand something. I always fact-check it but just today I was using it to better understand pulsars and angular momentum and its explanation was flawless and helpful, and the ability to ask follow-up clarifying questions is stunningly effective for helping me understand.

Are there other major LLMs worth paying for? What's the current head of the pack?

submitted by /u/BrooklynDuke
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