Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence

How To Think About Artificial Intelligence In The Music Industry – Forbes

ForbesHow To Think About Artificial Intelligence In The Music IndustryForbesThe purpose of artificial intelligence, also known as AI, is to simulate any mental task. Machine learning is arguably one of the most important subsets of AI because it effect…

Researchers combat gender and racial bias in artificial intelligence – SFGate

Researchers combat gender and racial bias in artificial intelligence
When Timnit Gebru was a student at Stanford’s prestigious Artificial Intelligence Lab, she ran a project that used Google Street View images of cars to determine the demographic makeup of towns and cities across the U.S. While the AI algorithms did a

Machine Learning And Artificial Intelligence In Demand Planning – Forbes

ForbesMachine Learning And Artificial Intelligence In Demand PlanningForbesThe definition of artificial intelligence (AI) is broader. Any device that can perceive its environment and takes actions that maximize its chance of success at some goal is eng…

Biomimicry and Robomimicry for AI Self-Driving Cars: Machine Learning from Nature

By Dr. Lance Eliot, the AI Trends Insider The fish in the aquarium tank were going round and round the inner edges of the glass surface that encased them in water. Humans watching the fish were likely wondering whether or not the fish knew they were in water. There is an ongoing philosophical debate about […]

Barrier to AI in the Enterprise: Access to High Quality Data

According to a recent Teradata study, 80% of IT and business decision-makers have already implemented some form of artificial intelligence (AI) in their business. The study also found that companies have a desire to increase AI spending. Forty-two percent of respondents to the Teradata study said they thought there was more room for AI implementation across the […]

MIT Looks at How Humans Sorta Drive in Sorta Self-Driving Cars

ALMOST HALF OF Americans will hop in their cars for a Thanksgiving trip this year. But if you were being very precise—if you were a team of Massachusetts of Technology researchers who study human-machine interactions—you wouldn’t say that all those Americans are “driving,” exactly. The new driver assistance systems on the market—like Tesla’s’s Autopilot, Volvo’s’s Pilot Assist, and Jaguar […]

Getting Intelligent About Artificial Intelligence: 6 Ways Executives Can Start – Forbes

ForbesGetting Intelligent About Artificial Intelligence: 6 Ways Executives Can StartForbesThis past June, Fortune Magazine asked all the CEOs of the Fortune 500 what they believed the biggest challenge facing their companies was. Their biggest concern …

What AI Trends Marketers Should Look for at AI World

AI Trends Marketers Should Look for at AI World AI is coming to Boston December 11-13. If you’re only planning to send your engineers, you should probably think again. AI tools are making huge strides in the martech space and revolutionizing how a marketer spends their day. Can you imagine being able to spend 80% […]

FDA proposal on health software provides no clarity on artificial intelligence – STAT

STATFDA proposal on health software provides no clarity on artificial intelligenceSTAThe Food and Drug Administration proposed on Thursday to streamline its regulation of health software tools, but remained largely silent on the crucial question of how…