ai and government
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AI Robot, Immune to Moral Factors, Helping to Make China’s Foreign Policy

Attention, foreign-policy makers. You will soon be working with, or competing against, a new type of robot with the potential to change the game of international politics forever. Diplomacy is similar to a strategic board game. A country makes a move, the other(s) respond. All want to win. Artificial intelligence is good at board games. […]

With its Academics, Culture of Collaboration, Access to Capital, Concern with Social Impact, Montreal Poised to be AI Startup Hotbed

With its confluence of academics, international accessibility, culture of collaboration, many startups and access to capital, Montreal may be poised to become the next Silicon Valley. This might be especially true given the current America political climate hostile to the international cooperation on which research institutions and technology companies thrive. Montreal is benefitting today from […]

AI Ecosystem in Toronto a Model: Region’s AI Talent Attracting Support From Investors, Major Players

The thriving AI ecosystem in Toronto can serve as a model for other tech hubs. The system is underpinned by the region’s AI talent and expertise, by increasing support from venture capitalists for startups, and by leadership from the top. Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau is into coding, welcomes entrepreneurs to Canada, has tuned the […]

San Jose Relying on Planning, Collaboration to be Smartest City

The San Jose Smart City Vision is a plan that uses technology and data-driven decision-making to promote safety, sustainability, economic opportunity and quality of life for its constituents. The California city’s endgame is to become the most innovative city in America by 2020. However, to get there, the city needs some internal planning — and […]