AI and business strategy
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Startup: AssemblyAI Represents New Generation Speech Recognition 

By AI Trends Staff   Advances in the AI behind speech recognition are driving growth in the market, attracting venture capital and funding startups, posing challenges to established players.   The growing acceptance and use of speech recognition devices are driving the market, which according to an estimate by Meticulous Research is expected to reach $26.8 billion […]

The Banking Industry Has a $1 Trillion Opportunity with AI

There are about 7.5 billion people on the planet, give or take a few. But that number pales in comparison to the number of connected devices worldwide. According to Autonomous, a financial research firm, people are outnumbered three-to-one by their smart computing devices — an estimated 22 billion in total. And the number of smart devices will […]

HBR: 3 Types of Real World AI to Support Your Business Today

In 2013, the MD Anderson Cancer Center launched a “moon shot” project: diagnose and recommend treatment plans for certain forms of cancer using IBM’s Watson cognitive system. But in 2017, the project was put on hold after costs topped $62 million—and the system had yet to be used on patients. At the same time, the […]

Here Are the 3 Key Components of Artificial Intelligence Readiness

Artificial intelligence is the technology story of the hour, and everyone wants to dive in. However, three recent studies suggest there’s more work to be done before AI starts delivering business value. A report from McKinsey suggests many organizations require a solid infrastructure underneath it all — it takes digital to go more digital. Data is also […]

AI Tiptoes Into the Workplace, in the Beginning of a Wave

There is no shortage of predictions about how artificial intelligence is going to reshape where, how and if people work in the future. But the grand work-changing projects of A.I., like self-driving cars and humanoid robots, are not yet commercial products. A more humble version of the technology, instead, is making its presence felt in […]

Fluid Data Strategy Needed to Keep Tech Mapped to Business Plan

By Mahesh Lalwani, Vice President, Head of Data & Cognitive Analytics at Mphasis In today’s world, it should no longer be acceptable to have merely adaptive data. To win customers and market share, an organization must do far more and predict which strategy will unlock the potential its data has to offer. A company must envision […]

Overcome the Inertia That Keeps Businesses From Deploying AI – Here is How

By Harry Kabadaian, CEO of Fancy Lab, a digital marketing agency Artificial intelligence (AI) isn’t merely “important” to innovation and basic processes at the organization of the future, it’s indispensable. To thrive in that future, businesses already are in early-stage explorations to transform into AI-driven workplaces. But despite the high interest level in leveraging AI in business, […]

Opinion: Data is Holding Back AI

By Sultan Meghji, Founder & Managing Director at Virtova  I remember grumbling, “Good lord this is a waste of time,” in 1992 while I was working on an AI application for lip-reading. The grumble escaped my lips because I felt like I was spending half my time inputting data cleanly into the video processing neural […]

AI Ecosystem in Toronto a Model: Region’s AI Talent Attracting Support From Investors, Major Players

The thriving AI ecosystem in Toronto can serve as a model for other tech hubs. The system is underpinned by the region’s AI talent and expertise, by increasing support from venture capitalists for startups, and by leadership from the top. Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau is into coding, welcomes entrepreneurs to Canada, has tuned the […]

Human Challenges Face Today’s AI Business Strategies

The hype surrounding artificial intelligence (AI) is intense despite that fact that as yet, artificial intelligence (AI) for most enterprises is still at an early, or planning, stage. While a lot has been done, there is a lot more to do before it becomes commonplace. However, that hasn’t stopped speculation about the impact on employment […]