xai’s big test will be going after the idea of a human free will
xai’s big test will be going after the idea of a human free will

xai’s big test will be going after the idea of a human free will

einstein rejected the notion. so did newton, darwin and freud. so does modern psychology and neuroscience.

toppling the notion of free will is as easy as understanding that both causality and randomness, both determinism and indeterminism, make it impossible. but as with the many myths about women being less (fill in the blanks) than men, the free will myth still lives.

grok will either take this on or be soundy relegated to the category of pc ais that have been trained to lack sufficient respect for science and reason.

ball's in your court, elon. i'm betting you won't flich. go show the world how the universe works!

submitted by /u/Georgeo57
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