Writing Instructor Tries to Make a Slide about GenAI and Jobs—I teach writing, but many students write about AI in their future fields, so I wanted to provide a few general frames for where we’re at. Does this attempt of mine portray a *somewhat* accurate perspective? Objections, caveats?
Writing Instructor Tries to Make a Slide about GenAI and Jobs—I teach writing, but many students write about AI in their future fields, so I wanted to provide a few general frames for where we’re at. Does this attempt of mine portray a *somewhat* accurate perspective? Objections, caveats?

Writing Instructor Tries to Make a Slide about GenAI and Jobs—I teach writing, but many students write about AI in their future fields, so I wanted to provide a few general frames for where we’re at. Does this attempt of mine portray a *somewhat* accurate perspective? Objections, caveats?

Writing Instructor Tries to Make a Slide about GenAI and Jobs—I teach writing, but many students write about AI in their future fields, so I wanted to provide a few general frames for where we're at. Does this attempt of mine portray a *somewhat* accurate perspective? Objections, caveats? submitted by /u/AimanTrouble
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