Would anyone be interested in an AI-powered Presidential Campaign Simulator?
Would anyone be interested in an AI-powered Presidential Campaign Simulator?

Would anyone be interested in an AI-powered Presidential Campaign Simulator?

Hey everyone,

I've been toying with an idea and I wanted to get your thoughts. What if there was an AI-powered Presidential Campaign Simulator where you could run your own political campaign?

I'm thinking something like:

• You're the candidate
• Debate against AI opponents
• Try to win over voters
• Make those big campaign decisions
• Maybe even give a victory speech if you pull it off

The whole thing would use AI (like ChatGPT) to keep it dynamic and hopefully pretty realistic.

Does this sound like something you'd play? What kind of features would make it fun for you? I'm not a developer or anything, just a guy with an idea, but if people are into it, who knows?

Let me know what you think!

submitted by /u/nanoxcix
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