Won’t AI make the college concept of paying $$$$ to sit in a room and rent a place to live obsolete?
Won’t AI make the college concept of paying $$$$ to sit in a room and rent a place to live obsolete?

Won’t AI make the college concept of paying $$$$ to sit in a room and rent a place to live obsolete?

As far as education that is not hands on/physical

There have been free videos out there already and now AI can act as a teacher on top of the books and videos you can get for free.

Doesn't it make more sense give people these free opportunities (need a computer OfCourse) and created education based around this that is accredited so competency can be proven ?

Why are we still going to classrooms in 2024 to hear a guy talk when we can have customized education for the individual for free?

No more sleeping through classes and getting a useless degree. This point it on the individual to decide it they have the smarts and motivation to get it done themselves.

Am I crazy? I don't want to spend $80000 to on my kids' education. I get that it is fun to move away and make friends and all that but if he wants to have an adventure go backpack across Europe.

submitted by /u/punkouter23
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