Will video gen bring about a Laplacian demon?
Will video gen bring about a Laplacian demon?

Will video gen bring about a Laplacian demon?

In order to predict the next frame the models will have to learn to model physics, human behavior, biology etc or the output will be non-sensical (like we currently see). It made me think of the laplacian demon, and the idea that a sufficiently advanced ai will be able to predict all events covered by classical (deterministic) physics, which is a lot of things. I.e. there's quantum uncertainty that propagates over time, but not enough to alter the immediate trajectory of say, a billiards shot. So essentially a sufficiently advanced ai will be able to predict the future with increased fuzziness the further out from the present you get, but in the near future it would be possible to get almost perfect predictions. Human behavior is of course questionable if it can be predicted with classical physics, how we we it should be able to model it with some degree of accuracy y, and we should be theoretically possible to get extremely accurate predictions of the next few seconds by just asking a sufficiently advanced video ai (I.e. one the can generate Turing test video) to predict the next few frames. Just curious to hear thoughts on this, wasn't as easy to find stuff about it specifically with regards to video gen

submitted by /u/bandalorian
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