Will Hollywood completely cease to exist very soon due to OpenAI’s Sora?
Will Hollywood completely cease to exist very soon due to OpenAI’s Sora?

Will Hollywood completely cease to exist very soon due to OpenAI’s Sora?

Apparently, some are even describing Sora as an all-powerful AI that can create videos from text in few seconds, which will cause Hollywood to cease to exist entirely as regular people can create films on their own in less than a minute:

Sora by OpenAI just destroyed Hollywood


What Sora AI means for Hollywood

In december, I said Hollywood is in trouble. We’d soon be watching Oscar-winning films produced by a machine.

This future is now on our doorstep.

Sam Altman’s company OpenAI just released Sora AI.

Sora is a text-to-video AI tool that can create hyper-realistic videos from a few lines of text instructions.

Check out this example from OpenAI’s website:

A stylish woman walks down a Tokyo street filled with warm, glowing, neon and animated city signage. She wears a black leather jacket, a long red dress, and black boots, and carries a black purse. She wears sunglasses and red lipstick. She walks confidently and casually. The street is damp and reflective, creating a mirror effect of the colorful lights.

Watching these AI-generated videos is a “holy crap” moment. The world just changed.

It’s only a matter of time before we have an AI video generator that dream up a brand-new movie idea in seconds… and then tailor-make it just for you.

I’ll be able to type, “Make me a new Tarantino-style thriller starring a young Denzel Washington, set in 1950s LA…”

… and watch the movie that evening.

These text-to-video tools will also transform education. Why read about ancient Greece from a dull textbook when teachers can show you what it was like with photorealistic videos that only take 10 seconds to make? Game-changer.

Hollywood is in real trouble.

Movie execs are essentially trying to ban AI in filmmaking, as they’re worried about machines taking all the jobs.

Listen up, Hollywood: You can’t put the genie back in the bottle.

As AI expert Zvi Mowshowitz told me, “Any industry that doesn’t use AI is finished. You either adopt it or die.”

If Hollywood doesn’t change, it will get steamrolled by some AI startup that can make 10X more movies for 10% of the cost.

Tools like Sora AI can also pull us out of this doom loop of endless superhero sequels.

Studios no longer make money from DVD sales. Without that cash stream, they’re choosing to only make films they know will sell at the box office.

But AI slashes the cost and time it takes to make a film. This should allow studios to take more creative risks and usher in a new golden era of creativity.

It’s up to movie studios to decide if they will act like ostriches — burying their heads in the sand and hoping AI goes away — or adopt this breakthrough technology and survive.


What are the Ramifications of the New 'Sora' OpenAI App on Hollywood?

The TikiTok-ification of film and TV is on the horizon.

Like many of you, I read our coverage of the Sora is a text-to-image app yesterday with more fear than excitement. It hails from OpenAI, and basically allows you to type in a prompt that is then immediately translated into animated images. These can range from goofy to photorealistic.

As you've surely heard a million times, film and TV are visual mediums. When a new tool that extracts visuals from prompts gets introduced, there will obviously be ramifications within Hollywood.

So, let's unpack a few.

What are the Ramifications of the New 'Sora' OpenAI App on Hollywood?

As you can see from Sam Altman's above Tweet, OpenAI has introduced a new AI model called "Sora," which is a text-to-video generator. This innovative tool allows for the creation of videos from text instructions, making it a significant advancement in AI-driven content generation.

When it comes to Hollywood, this program is going to absolutely change how things are done at every step of the production process.

Take pre-production; When it comes time to make a movie or TV show, this program could take care of all the previs, almost creating a shot for shot version of the movie based on the prompts you can give it. Like moving storyboards.

When it comes to production, it's not out of the realm of possibility that as this tech gets better, studios will be able to generate ideas without having to pay teams of animators to create them.

The ease of creating diverse visual content could lead to the emergence of new genres and formats that blend live-action, animation, and AI-generated content in novel ways, pushing the boundaries of current storytelling paradigms.

But it could also decrease professionalism. If anyone can just do this stuff, do we all become "content creators" instead of filmmakers and storyteller?

Will the industry I love behind to shrink uncontrollably due to anyone being able to prompt their ideas to life?

Can you have a great idea or screenplay that cuts through the noise if everyone is generating slop?

Will Movies and TV Become Like TikTok?

Of course, as this tech improves, people can animate their own stories. And right now, most people consume stories via their phones, watching short snippets.

I have a real worry that Generation Z has trained themselves on short-form content in such a way that it will slowly begin to replace longer things like movies and TV shows.

That might be overkill, but it crosses my mind when I see how Reels and TikTok have incorporated product placement. And how man amateur content creators have dominated that medium.

What happens when they can make their own animated stories to release on those platforms? We already get the AI voiceover videos and images. This is just the next logical step.

Do We Have Any Legal Protections?

The secondary worry is that as the photo-realism gets better and better, they'll be able to license people's likeness or generate content starring people without their consent.

There was already a huge news story involving fake pornogrpahic images of Taylor Swift generated by AI. Where does the line get drawn?

And what kinds of protections can we assume?

Right now, we have nothing in place. There will have to be congressional hearings and we will have to look into the ethics of all this.

The reason is that AI cannot generate ideas from thin air. It scours the internet and takes images generated by human beings as well as aert, photos, drawings, and any other visuals. Then it amalgamates all of that and adapts from it.

We're still trying to define if this is plagiarism or stealing.

All of this needs to happen soon, before these programs are readily used by the public.

The Federal Trade Commission has some ideas for rules that make AI impressions of real people illegal.

The FTC wrote in a news release. “The agency is taking this action in light of surging complaints around impersonation fraud, as well as public outcry about the harms caused to consumers and to impersonated individuals. Emerging technology — including AI-generated deepfakes — threatens to turbocharge this scourge, and the FTC is committed to using all of its tools to detect, deter, and halt impersonation fraud.”

In summary, this technology could revolutionize how content is produced, making it more accessible and efficient while also raising essential discussions around creativity, copyright, and the ethical use of AI in media.

For now, this stuff is moving fast and we don't totally have a grip on what it means, but these are my thoughts.


In 5-10 years we’ll be talking about capabilities not even being envisioned now, so most of the answers to this question are off the mark. Today’s tech will have a marginal disruption, but 10-15 product evolutions of AI will be completely different.


it's not going to be long before AI can turn a script into a movie. Not just animated. It will be able to make it look live action. I don't know that going straight to image generation is necessarily the best approach. It will be more limited in what you can create and less editable, you have to take what you can get. It's already hard for image generators to be consistent. Having to create a whole movie there will be so many opportunities for mistakes that it will be hard to ever create an AI that can produce quality results.

There will be more than one approach. AI using a computer generating program that is already used, might prove a better approach. Modern approaches to animating have character models and assets that animators then manipulate, give animation to, whatever those digital objects are supposed to do. Animation is different from visual style, animation is if someone looks fluid, if it does what it's supposed to do and it seems natural, some animation styles don't necessarily aim to make the movement look realistic, but that's the intention.


The inevitable result is prompting an AI to generate a custom movie or tv episode on demand. That’s months away.


Sora is as low quality as AI generated videos will ever be in future. It I’ll get better and better wih more options and ease of use,. AI will certainly dominate in 15 years. The amount

Creativity will mushroom. We’ve seen this in ditital photography. Friends of mine now have photos of birds, insects, our hiking trips, etc that rival anything from the top quality magazines of 20 years ago.

In addition are resources. Thr investment in AI dwarfs that of Hollywood multiple times over. And, it’s also dwarfs thr American entertainment industry outside of thr USA in China, Japan, etc.


Doesn't matter if anyone can "produce" a "Hollywood tier" movie, because 90% won't be as good as dedicated movies, it'll be a flood of trash, which users won't try to sift through hoping for a good one. Also what value does a AI generated movie give when none will see it because Marvel or Disney's name isn't attached to it? There's a reason why 99.9% of YouTuber or shows or movies essentially don't exist, it's because they're not a brand. You could generate 1000's of hours of content, but they won't ever be seen by others.

I think you're looking at it wrong. It's not that people can make AI movies and then share with others - it's more that people will be able to create their OWN movies, on demand, - they don't need to wait for a studio to create the content they want - they simply ask AI to create a movie in a specific genre and with specific requests. I'm seeing this being a reality within 10 years. I think you're putting too much value in "the brand".


In 5 years time it will be something like: -Computer I want to see Predator vs Rambo /Generating script /Generating scenes /Rendering, movie will start playing in 60 minutes

In 10 years it starts playing immediately and you'll be able to play in it too with VR set (or direct to brain) and adapt in real time. Like a dream that you control.


Given these, do you expect Hollywood to completely cease to exist immediately once Sora is officially released this year? Why or why not?

P.S. I advise you all to read everything carefully before posting any comments.

submitted by /u/Block-Busted
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