Why didn’t we put more money into ai earlier on?
Why didn’t we put more money into ai earlier on?

Why didn’t we put more money into ai earlier on?

The more and more i learn about ai, the more it becomes clear that it is the one and final puzzle humanity has to ever create/ invent.

Capitalism requires constant human effort to work but ai is a system capable of sustaining itself for infinity, doing the heavy lifting for humanity.

So if thats the case why haven't we put pressure on it harder, the money being spent on it has only gotten higher recently.

Perhaps there weren't enough people beating the drums loud enough?

Personaly i wouldn't mind if 500b of tax money was going directly to ai, it only accelerates the creation of it.

But we spend so much time bickering about nonsense when we don't have to, everything is solvable

submitted by /u/EmptyEar6
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