Why are social media sites like reddit not adding tools for easy analysis of possible AI / troll activity
Why are social media sites like reddit not adding tools for easy analysis of possible AI / troll activity

Why are social media sites like reddit not adding tools for easy analysis of possible AI / troll activity

I made a simple script that reads worldnews and analyses it for AI bot likeness:


My implementation may be flawed in many ways but it made me think.

Why on earth does reddit not do something like this? Include easy analysis of the post giving it perhaps points on its AI likeness? They could as well let users know if there has been suspicious activity, say posts that are very similar within a given timeframe.

A sort of policing tool that would help the users to figure out if what they are reading is possibly troll or AI generated for purpose X.

Especially now before US elections it would be even more important.

submitted by /u/aluode
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