Who are the best critics of AI, and of Deep Learning, in particular?
Who are the best critics of AI, and of Deep Learning, in particular?

Who are the best critics of AI, and of Deep Learning, in particular?

Humans tend to suffer from the confirmation bias, which is why I think we need to make a conscious effort to listen to well-informed contrarians. On the AI/DL front:

  • Gary Marcus is in the spotlight, giving TV interviews and testifying in the Senate. He's a psychologist, by background. And his long-standing critique of DL is largely related to its reliability.
  • Judea Pearl, a Turing award recipient, thinks that causal/counterfactual reasoning is needed, and is largely missing from the current approaches.
  • Stuart J. Russell co-authored a popular textbook on AI. He thinks DL is limited by its representational power.
  • Erik J. Larson authored "The Myth of AI". He's a computer scientist, who worked on AI applications. He argues that the current approaches work inductively and deductively, while humans think mostly abductively.

I'm wondering who else I might be overlooking?

submitted by /u/we_are_mammals
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