Which are the best alternatives to chatGPT for browsing the web (it’s diactivated currently for me)?
Which are the best alternatives to chatGPT for browsing the web (it’s diactivated currently for me)?

Which are the best alternatives to chatGPT for browsing the web (it’s diactivated currently for me)?

I'm especially curious about services that use agents and so on to browse the web. I lately thought that it should be possible to search much more intensely and automatic for information I do not need urgently. For example why can't have some AI agents look at thousands of pages that compare the different macbook models to tell me which has the best price/performance ration? Or find me all webshops that sell t shirts in a extremely specific size (say like 80-83 cm long) and ship to my country. It would be so nice if it could do these searches for me in an elaborate way.

submitted by /u/VLADIMIROVIC_L
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