Which Ai’s are best at long-form detailed outputs and editing results properly?
Which Ai’s are best at long-form detailed outputs and editing results properly?

Which Ai’s are best at long-form detailed outputs and editing results properly?

Currently I'm writing a script for a presentation. ChatGPT has been very helpful brainstorming and giving feedback, but I really wish it was better at actually tweaking and modifying the script itself.

I find chatGPT doesn't like to output long results or go into detail. Then when you ask it for small modifications it can change it significantly and going back to the previous one is hard it all just gets muddled,

Are any other models better at this?

Currently I'm writing a script for a presentation. ChatGPT has been very helpful in brainstorming and giving feedback, but I really wish it was better at actually tweaking and modifying the script itself.

submitted by /u/zascar
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