Where can I find a list of the foundational academic papers in RL/ML/DL and what are your go-to places to find new academic papers in RL/ML/DL?
Where can I find a list of the foundational academic papers in RL/ML/DL and what are your go-to places to find new academic papers in RL/ML/DL?

Where can I find a list of the foundational academic papers in RL/ML/DL and what are your go-to places to find new academic papers in RL/ML/DL?

I am considering applying for graduate studies in Reinforcement Learning and I would like to get more involved in the field. I have heard advice from quite a few people, including Andrew Ng, that the best way to learn is by reading research papers, really try to understand them, and try implementing them

submitted by /u/BornAgain20Fifteen
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