What’s the most current state-of-the-art chatbot publically accessible that most accurately nuancedly differentiates complex psychiatric conditions where a patient has lots of comorbid conditions?
What’s the most current state-of-the-art chatbot publically accessible that most accurately nuancedly differentiates complex psychiatric conditions where a patient has lots of comorbid conditions?

What’s the most current state-of-the-art chatbot publically accessible that most accurately nuancedly differentiates complex psychiatric conditions where a patient has lots of comorbid conditions?

Obviously I will take the help of a professional psychiatrist but please read the below

The problem in the city I live in is that a psychiatrist appointment costs a lot of money (multiple hundreds of dollars and the government rebate is a pittance). I don't have that money as I'm unemployed and due to my mental health conditions am not in a state to even apply for work.

Secondly the wait times for appointments are measured not in weeks but months. I have to wait months staying at home doing nothing and just wasting my life for a half hour to hour appointment several months away. Some psychiatrists have currently closed their books and not taking on new patients.

My city sucks for mental health and psychiatry.

The worst part is I don't even know where to begin. I suspect I have ADHD and autistic traits but honestly having some sort of AI assistance to identify what's going on in my brain will help me when at the psychiatrist because I can just ask if these are the problems I have and making the most of the limited time I have with the psychiatrist.

Which chatbot is currently the most accurate from a psychiatric perspective?

I can afford a paid membership to a chatbot if it's good.

I understand no chatbot is currently a substitute for a trained psychiatrist and I understand they're not perfect but I'm hoping to know which chatbot is currently state of the art from a mental health and especially psychiatric standpoint.

Tl;dr psychiatrists in my city have wait times of months and are too expensive because government rebates are minimal. I understand that chatbots can't currently replace psychiatrists but I want to have a starting point to know what my problems might be so after months of waiting when I'm finally at the psychiatrist I can make the most of the limited time by asking the psychiatrist if the problems suggested by the state of the art chatbot could be valid. So what is the latest state of the art chatbot that is publically accessible that is most accurate from a psychiatric perspective especially when a patient has multiple nuanced conditions where symptoms of one condition could be mistaken for another condition? What's the current state of the art psychiatric chatbot?

submitted by /u/i-Wayfarer
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