What’s the FASTEST way to make my resume irresistible to companies like OpenAI and Anthropic?
What’s the FASTEST way to make my resume irresistible to companies like OpenAI and Anthropic?

What’s the FASTEST way to make my resume irresistible to companies like OpenAI and Anthropic?

Hey guys... I have 25 years of experience in the tech industry, sold three companies, worked in full stack and have experience in Java, Typescript, big data, search, databases, distributed systems, etc.

I really want to pivot to AI as I'm obsessed. The problem is that I'm still a big green with anything outside of essentially advanced prompt engineering.

I want to work at an AI company like Anthropic or OpenAI but my resume keeps getting ignored.

Right now my strategy is two fold:

  • Learn EVERYTHING I can about AI

  • Start a Youtube channel discussing as much AI as possible and grow the channel and demonstrate my expertise in the subject.

  • Hustle on LinkedIn and Facebook to see if anyone in my network is hiring for AI-related positions.

I'm also considering moving back to San Francisco to really improve my network by going to as many conferences and meetups as possible.

Other than that, can you recommend any other steps I could take to make my resume as attractive as possible to recruiters? I'm sure I'm just not checking all the boxes. I can't fake experience of course and can't pretend I worked for a FANG company for the last 10 years so I need some way to stand out.

I'm willing to put in the hard work but I need to figure out the right path.

submitted by /u/brainhack3r
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