What’s after ai and qc ?
What’s after ai and qc ?

What’s after ai and qc ?

Ok . Now is the time of AI and the quantum computing revolution is n the horizon too. Many associated fields will feel the power too..

Like :

Humanoids Metaverse Etc..

Then what will be the third wave ?? I don't think it'll be too slow to come ..( many like 3 has already started)

In my mind, it can be :

1)A cognitive revolution where man becomes more peaceful and cooperating by philosophically and psychologically expansion, resulting in simple understandings like many of the chains like high expenses for healthcare, working away life for survival etc are simply not needed.

2) uploading personal human consciousness n memory into machines to stay immortal

3) bio engineering for longevity

4) paradigm shifts in physics

5) seeing consciousness in another light.


What are your thoughts ???

submitted by /u/metasubcon
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