What would it take for ai to replace human relationships
What would it take for ai to replace human relationships

What would it take for ai to replace human relationships

So I know many at first are creeped out by this thought. But personally, I think based on studies AI will end up being used heavily by lonely people. And the good side to this is it likely will lower off themselves rates, and likely improve mental quality for many.

It is too soon. Like the memory isn't good enough, you have to prompt it for it to do anything, it tends to be way to agreeable unless if the developer put something in which forced it to not do whatever, etc.

Many of the same problems which keeps it from reaching the next level in taking jobs, making books, etc.

I'm more focusing on the non physical parts of a relationship (traveling together, experiencing events, and so on). And it maybe impossible for this to be possible without a robotic body or the AI linked to some sensors around you when you go about.

What actual tech do we need for this? Is it just the code needs to be better? Or are we waiting for better hardware?

submitted by /u/crua9
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