What is the price for humanoid robots do you think an average home will pay?
What is the price for humanoid robots do you think an average home will pay?

What is the price for humanoid robots do you think an average home will pay?

I don't think we are near this, but I think we are a lot closer to it than most think. Personally, I think if the humanoid robot can basically clean, cook, repair the house, do stuff in the garden, help shop even if we have to be there, etc. I think the price before you see it in most homes is $5k. Even more if you can screw it (I'm not being nasty, but there is a lot of lonely people out there and you know this is a major selling point to some. Even more if it has a personality and can trick the brain in not being lonely)

Note if it can do all of this. I think insurance companies and even most gov will help people get one. Most accidents happen at home, and if the robot is on the ladder then the human likely won't get hurt. Even more if there is some basic medical in it. The government can justify it with making people more productive/making more money/paying more in taxes. And insurance can justify it with the lower claims.

Lets assume it can only clean and cook. I suspect closer to $1k. Maybe less. Many actually enjoy cooking, and cleaning dishes and other basic things isn't honestly that hard for most.

What price point do you think they have to be before you see it in most homes?

submitted by /u/crua9
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