What is the difference between the terms Computer Vision and Image Recognition?
What is the difference between the terms Computer Vision and Image Recognition?

What is the difference between the terms Computer Vision and Image Recognition?

The explanations I've come across seem to be confusing and sometimes contradictory.

For example, some sources define CV as a broad branch of AI, while Image Recognition is a subset that focuses on the detection, analysis, and interpretation of images for decision-making. Image Recognition includes tasks like image tagging, object detection, and guidance of autonomous vehicles.

Other sources include tasks like image tagging, object detection, etc., in the area of CV, not Image Recognition.

From my conversations with data scientists, they encounter the term CV more often than Image Recognition. From what I see, it seems that CV is a more scientific term used in papers, while Image Recognition is a more applicable field and this term is used more in marketing.

Please, share your experiences with these terms. Do you think they are interchangeable, or do you see different use cases for each?

submitted by /u/alina_valyaeva
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