What is at stake in the AI based techno-economic war between the West and China?
What is at stake in the AI based techno-economic war between the West and China?

What is at stake in the AI based techno-economic war between the West and China?

  • The AI-based techno-economic war between the West and China will determine the global distribution of technology, economic benefits, and influence.

  • The winner of this race, particularly in AI, will have the power to accelerate GDP growth and project global economic benefits.

  • China is actively pursuing technological leadership in AI and 5G wireless, while the West must prioritize technological talent influx and leverage its venture and technology ecosystem.

  • Aggressive AI regulation could hinder the West's momentum in this race.

  • The risks of this war and AI technology are significant, but it is a greater risk to let adversaries have unconstrained power.

  • Global treaties are not enforceable solutions to regulate AI.

Source : https://medium.com/@vkhosla/what-is-at-stake-in-this-ai-based-techno-economic-war-between-the-west-and-china-8f76bd291be7

submitted by /u/NuseAI
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