What is appealing about AI-created music?
What is appealing about AI-created music?

What is appealing about AI-created music?

A genuine question that baffles me. Knowing that a song was not created by a human with a heart, mind, and soul, the song immediately loses all appeal to me. No matter how objectively "good" it might be musically from a technical standpoint, it's about as interesting to me as the music created by an inkjet printer or from a door banging in the wind, or sound created by any other inanimate object. If it's not created by a human being I simply don't want to waste a second on it. The potential argument that AI was created by humans and so therefore humans indirectly had a hand in creating the music created by AI, doesn't make it any more appealing, and I would see it the same as saying that a human created a door that then went on to squeak, and so therefore the human helped that door to create music. Same goes for all AI-created arts... music, visual art, movies, stories. None of it has any interest to me at all, and in fact I'm resentful of it because it takes people away from enjoying real human-created arts, and potentially makes it hard for human artists to make a living. Interested in others' thoughts on this.

submitted by /u/Complex_Valuable_833
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