What is AI bias?
What is AI bias?

What is AI bias?

Imagine you're typing a job title into an online job search platform and notice that certain jobs are suggested more frequently to men than women, or vice versa, even when qualifications match. It's like the AI has its own outdated job fair brochure.

Or, you're using a photo tagging app that's great at recognizing your lighter-skinned friends, but somehow, it keeps mistaking you and your darker-skinned friends for each other, or worse, not detecting faces at all. It's as if the AI is wearing glasses that only work well in certain lighting.

These examples illustrate how biases, often unintentional and unseen, are woven into the fabric of AI technologies, affecting real people in everyday situations. Understanding and acknowledging these biases is the first step towards designing AI systems that serve everyone fairly and equitably.

AI bias represents a significant challenge, impacting not only the technology's development and application but also its societal implications. AI bias can manifest in various forms, often reflecting and perpetuating existing societal inequities. Understanding, identifying, and addressing AI bias is crucial for developing systems that are fair, ethical, and beneficial to all segments of society.

Read the full article: https://pareto.ai/blog/what-is-ai-bias

submitted by /u/Angilawriter
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