What do I need to know to start this AI startup?
What do I need to know to start this AI startup?

What do I need to know to start this AI startup?

I am a Senior Software Engineer myself. Have good experience building web apps end to end. I have been following AI wave for quite a while. I do understand bits and pieces here and there for training models and GenAI. I am looking to make a product around Shopping experience for users which suggests products, finds deals, comparison tools, etc. I wanted to ask the community what should I learn? Though Python is not my primary lang, but I do have touched that in the past. I am not worried about that as being a programmer, new lang is a different syntax pretty much. I have heard about some math algebra being suggested. If I want to know more about how it all works together underneath, where should I start? I see different recommendations online on different sites. I want to know the core, tools, algos and basically the HOWs. Any suggestions?

submitted by /u/harmony_valour
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