What are your thoughts about this Neurosymbolic AI collab between IBM and universities which began 4 years ago?
What are your thoughts about this Neurosymbolic AI collab between IBM and universities which began 4 years ago?

What are your thoughts about this Neurosymbolic AI collab between IBM and universities which began 4 years ago?

my question comes from an article from 4 years ago which i came across, "Neurosymbolic AI to Give Us Machines With True Common Sense": https://medium.com/swlh/neurosymbolic-ai-to-give-us-machines-with-true-common-sense-9c133b78ab13

it said: "a new collaboration between IBM and MIT, Harvard and Stanford universities, financed by the US defense department’s research agency DARPA"

submitted by /u/gereedf
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